NOH8 Campaign Hosts First Open Photo Shoot of 2013 at Hotel Solamar | Sunday, February 17th

Kim Kardashian supporting NOH8
February 13, 2013

Join the silent protest against marriage inequality, as this Sunday, February 17th, the NOH8 Campaign will set up its first mobile studio of 2013 at Hotel Solamar from 2pm to 5pm.  The NOH8 Campaign is a photographic silent protest created by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley in direct response to the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths, symbolizing their voices being silenced by Prop 8 and similar legislation around the world, with "NOH8" painted on one cheek in protest.

Four years since its inception, the NOH8 Campaign has grown to nearly 30,000 faces and continues to grow at an exponential rate. The campaign began with portraits of everyday Californians from all walks of life and soon rose to include politicians, military personnel, newlyweds, law enforcement, artists, celebrities, and many more.  Eventually the images will be compiled for a large-scale media campaign, which you can be apart of by participating!

Upon arrival to Hotel Solamar, participants will receive a numbered model release to fill out, followed by receiving a NOH8 temporary tattoo for the photo and a strip of duct tape. Numbers will be called throughout the day on a first-come-first-serve-basis, and your corresponding release number will signal your time to line up to have your photo taken.  Feel free to stay and play in downtown San Diego, as Hotel Solamar is offering a 15% off their Best Available Rate for stays on that Saturday and Sunday. For reservations, visit to book your room and use the rate code "CRX."

Ricky Martin supporting NOH8
Anyone that would like to join the NOH8 Campaign is asked to wear a plain white shirt to match the look of the signature NOH8 photos. Celebrity Photographer & NOH8 Co-Founder Adam Bouska will be working around the clock to photograph 5-10 frames for each person that comes through. The final selection he chooses will be retouched and made available to participants in about 8 weeks through the website.  The price for the photos is $40 per couple/group or $25 per person, which goes to benefit the NOH8 campaign.

Hotel Solamar is located at 435 6th Avenue (on J Street between 6th & 7th) in downtown San Diego.  For more information on the San Diego photo shoot, please visit the Facebook Event Page. For more information on the NOH8 Campaign, please visit