March 7, 2013
In anticipation of the 4th Annual Zane Patrick's Day set to take place on March 16th at McFadden's Restaurant and Saloon in the Gaslamp District, SanDiegoVille interviewed the one, the only, the famed drinking ambassador, Zane Lamprey. If you don't know Zane, check out "Drinking Made Easy" and "Three Sheets," and read below to get better acquainted.
We actually met Zane a little over a year ago during the San Diego Beer Week Beer Garden event at the Lodge at Torrey Pines. We had a blast, as you can see from the top photo. It was a perfect day for beer-ing around the golf course in sunny San Diego and we get to relive another afternoon of imbibing with Zane VIP-style next weekend.

ZL: Currently, I'm in Hawaii on a workaction... So, I've had several-- as long as beer cocktails count!
SDV: The original Zane Patrick's Day was in Manhattan, and ever since, fabulous San Diego. Why San Diego? (Feel free to go on about how amazing our city is).
ZL: I live in LA, but I wish I lived in San Diego. I'm still a slave to the entertainment industry, so proximity to Hollyweird is important until I'm making F-U money, and I can live where I want. At that time, I'll live in San Diego and own several wetsuits.
SDV: What are some of your favorite bars and/or restaurants and/or meals in SD? (Ya know, besides McFadden's).
ZL: Craft & Commerce, Bootleggers, PB Shore Club, Noble Experiment. San Diego has some great bars. And thankfully, my friends own the best ones! And, of course, McFadden's is my favorite bar in SD at least once a year!
SDV: Favorite craft beer of SD?
ZL: Don't put me on the spot! There are too many to choose...San Diego was #7 on my list of best beer cities in the WORLD!
SDV: Favorite neighborhood of SD?
ZL: I'd like to hang my hat in Bird Rock some day.
SDV: What is the best and worst part of your job? (Besides the swollen liver and hangovers).
ZL: My liver is surprisingly stellar. I exercise every day to flush out the night before. The hangovers, however, are not getting any easier. And those morning runs are sometimes brutal.

ZL: I'm doing my roll-out of Monkey Rum in San Diego. Of all the cities in the free world, that's where we chose to do it. I'm working with BevMo! to do the roll out. I'm very excited about it. And, after two years of perfecting the rum, I'm very excited for people to try it. 70 proof coconut rum with a hint of vanilla-- how can you beat that? And spiced rum with a hint of toasted coconut. It's damn tasty.
SDV: What was it like to chill with Ziggy recently?
ZL: He's the man. I was on the Tonight Show with him, and got to hang out with him a bit in Miami last week. He's not the second-coming of his father, he's a star in his own right. And, he's cool as shit.

SDV: We at SanDiegoVille look forward to Cheers!-ing again soon!
ZL: Cheers! See you at Zane Paddy's Day!
Get your tickets now before they sell out!
General Admission ($75 in advance, $85 at the door-Cash Only!)
+ Open bar (beer, wine, cocktails, all you can drink for FOUR hours!)
+ Zane, Steve & Pleepleus hosting the party!
+ Live Irish Music
+ Take photos with the guys
+ Oh, did we mention it was OPEN BAR?
+ Access to our gaming section full of our card and dice games!
+ Games, Challenges, and Events!
+ Irish Shenanigans
VIP ($150) The VIP ticket will get you everything included in the General Admission ticket AND some bonus features!
+ An extra hour of open bar the day of the party
+ Access to a private VIP area at the party
+ Access to a private VIP bar at the party
+ Access to play a few private drinking games
McFadden's is located at 731 5th Avenue.