March 27, 2015
CH Projects first made their mark on San Diego’s hospitality scene in 2006 by launching Neighborhood, a casual beer bar and eatery in San Diego’s then-sparse East Village, followed by El Dorado Cocktail Lounge in 2008 just a few blocks down the way. The group has since gone on to create some of the most notable cocktail and culinary concepts in the city. Now the hospitality collective once again sets its roots down in the “hood that started it all” by branching out of food and drink and opening doors to The Dover - a 1,100 square-foot barbershop and shaving parlor on the corner of 8th & G Street. Located catty-corner to Neighborhood and directly next door to 5&A Dime clothing shop, the concept’s cheeky moniker is short for “Dover Harbor” (an era-specific British term for “barbershop”), and will offer haircuts, hot towel razor shaves, coffee service from San Diego’s Coffee & Tea Collective and other amenities upon opening doors this June.
With over 20 years of retail, brand and clothing design experience, Alyasha Owerka-Moore - who designed and consulted for brands such as Nike, DC Shoes and Hurley, and worked as a stylist for Lauren Hill, Mos Def and John Forte - partners with CH Projects alongside internationally respected barber Brian Bert, the original founder of San Diego’s Lefty’s Barbershop, to present an all-new spin to the traditional barbershop with The Dover.
“A large part of our core values as a collective is to create businesses that bring people together and help build a stronger sense of community,” says Tafazoli, who lives in the East Village and owns additional venues in the area including Fairweather, Rare Form, Juice Saves, Neighborhood, Noble Experiment and El Dorado, as well as several other high profile concepts throughout San Diego alongside Partner Nathan Stanton. “A barbershop isn’t just someplace that people go to get a service - it’s a gathering spot, there’s a social component. It’s one of the remaining neighborhood institutions that is timeless.”
Although further details have yet to be released, Tafazoli notes that the concept will be rooted in tradition, but will feature the signature design innovation that the group has become known for. Moore will contribute key branding and style components, while Bert will take the lead on classic barbershop services that will be both affordable and enjoyable.
For more information, visit
CH Projects first made their mark on San Diego’s hospitality scene in 2006 by launching Neighborhood, a casual beer bar and eatery in San Diego’s then-sparse East Village, followed by El Dorado Cocktail Lounge in 2008 just a few blocks down the way. The group has since gone on to create some of the most notable cocktail and culinary concepts in the city. Now the hospitality collective once again sets its roots down in the “hood that started it all” by branching out of food and drink and opening doors to The Dover - a 1,100 square-foot barbershop and shaving parlor on the corner of 8th & G Street. Located catty-corner to Neighborhood and directly next door to 5&A Dime clothing shop, the concept’s cheeky moniker is short for “Dover Harbor” (an era-specific British term for “barbershop”), and will offer haircuts, hot towel razor shaves, coffee service from San Diego’s Coffee & Tea Collective and other amenities upon opening doors this June.
With over 20 years of retail, brand and clothing design experience, Alyasha Owerka-Moore - who designed and consulted for brands such as Nike, DC Shoes and Hurley, and worked as a stylist for Lauren Hill, Mos Def and John Forte - partners with CH Projects alongside internationally respected barber Brian Bert, the original founder of San Diego’s Lefty’s Barbershop, to present an all-new spin to the traditional barbershop with The Dover.
“A large part of our core values as a collective is to create businesses that bring people together and help build a stronger sense of community,” says Tafazoli, who lives in the East Village and owns additional venues in the area including Fairweather, Rare Form, Juice Saves, Neighborhood, Noble Experiment and El Dorado, as well as several other high profile concepts throughout San Diego alongside Partner Nathan Stanton. “A barbershop isn’t just someplace that people go to get a service - it’s a gathering spot, there’s a social component. It’s one of the remaining neighborhood institutions that is timeless.”
Although further details have yet to be released, Tafazoli notes that the concept will be rooted in tradition, but will feature the signature design innovation that the group has become known for. Moore will contribute key branding and style components, while Bert will take the lead on classic barbershop services that will be both affordable and enjoyable.
For more information, visit