April 30, 2020
At today's press conference, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher announced the easing of a variety of stay-at-home restrictions to begin Friday, May 1. Those residing in the same households will now be permitted to participate in active sports activities at parks, such as basketball or volleyball. The restrictions on parking lots at parks have be lifted, and local jurisdictions can allow half capacity of open lots. People visiting certain parks are now permitted to sit, lie down, and picnic so long as they are practice social distancing from people they do not live with. Recreational boating restrictions for bays, lakes and oceans are also lifted for those people living in the same household. All beach parking lots will stay closed and many area beaches, which are still allowed to remain open despite contradictory information, are to be occupied solely for walking, running, biking, swimming, and other previously permitted activities. Gathering and lying down or sitting remains strictly prohibited. Incorporated jurisdictions may choose to maintain more restrictive measures but are not permitted to reduce measures beyond the County's order.
Operators of a park or golf course need to create and post a plan for how they will abide by social distancing orders. Social distancing and safety templates for parks & beaches and golf courses are available online. It was also mentioned at the mayor's press briefing today that police presence along Sunset Cliffs will be more plentiful this weekend, as increasing crowds have been gathering in the evening hours to get a view of the bioluminescent waves caused by the red tide.
For more information, visit sandiegocounty.gov/coronavirus.html.